Residency Interview tips and tricks

After Getting the Invitation
Once you get the interview invitation from the program, often the applicants like me are overwhelmed and get anxious to know what would be the next appropriate move.

Write short e-mail to the coordinator showing  gratitude and to provide appropriate information about the program, interviewer, travel, and accommodation etc. Most of the coordinator respond with e-mail and the information within 24 hours. They usually respond with attached documents and ask you to confirm the date of your interview.

How to put youtube videos side by side?

Here I will show you how to put your favorite youtube videos in your blog post side by side. Its a simple way.

Have this code copy and past in the new post, in HTML mode

<table><tr><td>PASTE VIDEO CODE HERE</td><td>PASTE VIDEO CODE HERE</td></tr></table>

Where text shown in green and underlined should be replaced with the video code you get from youtube for you video of choice.

How to put YouTube video with description?

Do you know how to put videos from YouTube in your blog as shown below along with text side by side? I know many of you may have desire to present yourself in this way. Your feelings along with videos! Wow!.

This YouTube video is put so to illustrate the purpose of this tutorial. This song is by Adele: Someone like you. I hope you will enjoy this song as well along  this blogging tutorial. All you need to know is this code: