Loosing self respect

Hurricane, as the name suggests, it brings chaos in the world. It destroys anything which comes in its way. It doesn’t have selective destruction and doesn’t love to other either. It creates confusion when the trembling leaves of the autumn spreads the news to the growing infants, of its entry. So has become my daily. It is true with my chores and routine. That is me. It is my normal pattern of living.

I tried to work in the community hospital. Previously, I planned to work for 2 years. Then, I was so determined that I have not planned for the USMLE for next 2 years. It is just 7 months back when I inadvertently planned the Chaos. I prefer to call it the chaos. It brought a lots of disturbances outside and inside in the same magnitude.

Living in the hostel is a great experience for everyone. I love the world around me in hostel specifically. Late night sleep as if the world has just started to show its face to me in the midnight and I am free of chaotic desires. I lived a moment in presents without plans and without confusions. I was I, always. I lived in true sense, then.

When I decided to live in hostel even after my graduation that was the day when I lost my self respect and dignity. I continued losing all of them further when I gave a damn to the difficulties of the juniors. I have faced the same kind of problems when I was new in the college. I tried hard to get the room and establish in the new environment so that I can focus in the studies. But I failed to address the problem. 

It could have been better if I had stayed and focused to studies. I failed in that too. So it is just mere passing the time rampantly here and there and for that and for this. For the world around me, I am the one. I knew everything for I have shown the consistency in the past in my academia. But I was, in truth, always the same. The same impulsive creature whose efficiency surpassed the input in bursts and the vulnerable exam system kneeled for the good. I was no good than the hostel hosted bad boys in true sense.

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